Sculptural video installation with sound. 9:40 loop. 2010.
Shown here projected inside a 3' x 2' x 3' stainless steel freight elevator at the Amherst Biennial, Fall 2010.
To view full-sized images of the installation, click thumbnails below.
Video documentation of projection into stainless steel freight elevator. (If video does not appear directly above, please refresh your browser.)
Exploring the experience of cataclysm, entrapment, and resiliency, the video projection places two bodies inside a tightly enclosed space, engaged in tactile exploration of themselves and the (physical and emotional) spaces that confine them. This space readily translates as any of the myriad psychological, spiritual and practical conditions in which humans find themselves ensnared. The bodies face both the claustrophobic physical constraints of the setting, and the almost unbearable conditions of their lives.
Before the Drop speaks to situations over which we have no control, would never willingly choose, and in which we feel lost and trapped. It looks head-on at the experience of facing emptiness and the unknown and the inescapable truth of impermanence.
Exhibiton history:
2011 Portraiture: Inside Out. Walsh Gallery, Seton Hall University. S. Orange, NJ
2010 Amherst Biennial. Amherst, MA